Here’s the Next Damn Way the Left Will Go After Your Car
12:50 PM ON OCTOBER 02, 2023
Your car is killing the planet, you, and other living things in a brand new way that will surely give environmentalists yet another justification to try and eliminate personal car ownership.
This time, it’s your tires.
The Drive’s Lewin Day late last week reported on a number of studies showing that “tire emissions pose a threat to global health.”
There may even be “a whole host of toxic chemicals being shed from tires and brakes that have been largely ignored until now,” according to Yale Environment 360. One of those, known as 6PPD-q, is supposed to be “highly toxic to multiple fish, including coho salmon,” although the report doesn’t indicate whether that’s true in amounts actually found in the environment.
It all sounds rather ominous to learn that “tire rubber is made up of over 400 different chemical compounds, many of which are known to have negative effects on human health,” and that the “toxic chemicals being shed from tires and brakes” actually exceeds those from “a typical car’s exhaust output.”
Left out of all of these biased studies is how cars save lives, lengthen lives, and improve lives. Life expectancy and the quality of life have both risen hand-in-hand with the rise of the automobile. The Left can spin it all they want — and they will and do — but from a life-saving trip in an ambulance to a pleasant life in the suburbs to our abundance of food to that road trip to spend Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa — all those things are made possible by the internal combustion engine.
No wonder Lefties hate it.
You’d think that with all those tires on the roads (and off them) for all these years, everyone and everything would be dead already. Maybe that’s something worth looking into, if I were one of those rare right-wing billionaires looking to fund some research.