Piepenburg: The Soft Landing Farce as Stocks Rip

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By Matthew Piepenburg

In this brief, 13-minute compilation of insights from 2023, VON GREYERZ, AG partner, Matthew Piepenburg, reminds us of prior warnings which are truer than ever (and playing out) today as the stock market totally divorces itself from the real (and recessionary) economy. There’s a reason gold is spiking, for despite a Fed-driven and hence entirely “Pavlovian” S&P, recessionary forces will force further currency debasement to monetize unsustainable debt levels. Looking purely at the recessionary forces of 2023, which Piepenburg bluntly unpacks with data rather than drama, the current disconnect between rising markets and a bleeding economy into 2024 should have all investors thinking carefully about what lies ahead, including an inflationary endgame which Piepenburg will unpack in subsequent video compilations.

For now, keep the economic facts discussed here clear in mind wh

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