Pentagon is sending aid to Ukraine without Congress approval?

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The Pentagon is considering a controversial move—sending military aid to Ukraine without waiting for Congress to give the nod. Reports suggest they have $4 billion set aside for Ukraine, and they might use it directly from their reserves. Here’s the catch: If they spend this money, Congress might not pay them back.

This has raised eyebrows because usually, Congress needs to approve such decisions. The Pentagon seems hesitant to spend this money without a guarantee of getting it back from Congress. It’s led to speculation that they might just decide to send the aid on their own, bypassing the regular process.

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This potential sidestepping of Congress in such an important matter is stirring up questions about how military aid decisions should be made. Some say it’s crucial to stick to the usual rules to keep things fair and transparent. The debate is now heating up about whether the Pentagon should be able to make these decisions on their own or if Congress should always have a say.


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