NVDA CEO Jensen Huang Just Sold $42 Million Dollars Worth Of NVIDIA Shares – Last Time He Sold Shares January 2022 Stock Dropped 64%

Sharing is Caring!

by Ok_Significance_4008

History is repeating itself

H2 2000: NVDA announced a stock split before the DotCom bubble peak

September 2000: NVDA ATH

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January 2001: NVDA crashed 70%

January 2002: NVDA rallied 400%

October 2002: NVDA crashed 90%

H2 2021: NVDA announced a stock split before the Everything bubble peak

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November 2021: NVDA ATH

October 2022: NVDA crashed 70%

July 2023: NVDA rallied 300%

(2024: NVDA will crash 90%…)


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