Brazil wants to criminalize “misogyny”

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Women’s Defense Committee approves bill criminalizing misogyny

The Chamber of Deputies’ Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights has approved a bill that provides for criminal and procedural measures, including imprisonment, for misogynistic practices. The proposal (PL 890/23), by deputy Silvye Alves (União-GO), also includes measures to combat misogyny in the job market.

The rapporteur, deputy Lêda Borges (PSDB-Goias state), presented a substitute after negotiations with the members of the committee. Among other changes, the new text altered the concept of misogyny.

According to the approved proposal, misogyny consists of discrimination, prejudice, aversion, action or aggressive behavior against women, due to their female condition. The penalty for those who commit the crime will be imprisonment from 2 to 5 years and a fine.

Today, criminal legislation does not have a specific type for this crime. “The bill establishes a criminal and procedural framework for the crime of misogyny. This is an urgent and necessary legislative change,” said the rapporteur.

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“At the heart of misogyny is the rejection of equality between women and men, through the dissemination of derogatory ideas about women,” said Lêda Borges.

Penalty increase
Bill 890/23 establishes that the penalty for misogyny will be increased by half if the crime is committed by two or more people or is committed in public places or on the internet, such as posts on social networks.

It will also be increased if there is distribution, including for financial gain, of material or content that encourages misogyny. In this case, the judge may order the materials to be seized or the electronic publications to cease, even before the police investigation.

The bill also creates a qualified modality for the crime of insult, when committed by misogynistic conduct, with a penalty of imprisonment of 1 to 3 years, and a fine.

Labor market
The proposal provides for a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years for anyone who prevents, denies or obstructs employment or promotion due to misogynistic conduct.

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The same penalty will apply to anyone who fails to provide women with the necessary equipment, on equal terms with other workers, or gives inferior treatment in the workplace, making it difficult to increase salaries or promotions.

There is also a penalty (imprisonment from 1 to 3 years) for anyone who refuses or prevents a woman from accessing a commercial establishment or denies service on the grounds of her gender.

Public servants convicted of misogyny will lose their position. Commercial establishments may be suspended for up to three months.

The bill will now be analyzed by the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee (CCJ) and then by the full House.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias