Nevada posts ‘voter history’ on state website, then all hell breaks loose.

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After numerous Nevada voters saw irregularities in their voter history on Sunday, the secretary of state’s office said it has identified the issues and is fixing them, according to a statement Monday evening.

The office learned Sunday there were possible technical issues relating to Nevadans’ voting history for people who did not participate in the Feb. 6 presidential primary. It said elections and IT staff began working immediately with county clerks and registrars Monday morning.

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It determined that the problem resulted in some counties not taking the proper steps to upload their voter registration. Every night each county uploads their voter registration to the secretary of state’s database, which executes code to create the statewide voter registration file that Nevadans see when they log into, according to the secretary of state’s office.

The systems used by some counties require additional steps to be taken to ensure that voters who did not return their ballot do not have vote history, the secretary of state’s office said. Some of those steps were not taken, which resulted in inaccurate data on the website.

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“Our office has been validating new files from each county and moving them into production as soon as the accuracy of the data is verified,” the secretary of state’s office said in the statement.

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