Massive Fraud: DHS allowed Illegal Aliens to ‘Sponsor’ Illegal Aliens

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There is no end to the pit of evil that Joe Biden has fronted for.

Mayorkas was sending planes to 50 airports around the world, filling them with illegals, flying them to the USA, and faking the documentation that they had ‘sponsors’.

…rampant fraud in a program created by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for inadmissible citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, who don’t qualify for admission into the U.S.

…flown into the country through a CHNV parole program, used a CBP One phone app to apply for entry, and were released into the country. Part of the process requires having a “supporter” fill out an application on behalf of the CHNV parolee. While Mayorkas claimed app user parolees and supporters were thoroughly vetted, multiple Office of Inspector General reports disproved this claim, expressing security risks at airports.

See also  President Trump signs Executive Order to detain illegal immigrants at Guantanamo Bay.

– a USCIS internal review found that tens of thousands of CHNV fraudulent applications were processed
-“Sponsors” used fake Social Security / Phone numbers.
– 20,000 applications had the same fake sponsor address
– 194 fake sponsors filled out forms with a 184 word cut and paste response …. on 20,000 forms.
– 80,000 ‘sponsors’ who were illegal aliens with a ‘temporary status’ were allowed to sponsor other illegals.
– 224 who were illegally in the country with no status also were sponsors.

USCIS also
-approved 28,322 illegal foreign nationals shielded from deportation through Temporary Protected Status as CHVN supporters
– “19,865 SLEs approved as CHNV supporters
– 311 DACA recipients approved as CHNV supporters
– 1,300-plus aliens in the U.S. on temporary visas approved as CHNV supporters
– 64 refugees approved as CHNV supporters
– 19,112 conditional permanent residents approved this season as CHNV supporters

Think of that … 311 of these DACA f**ks had the nerve to SPONSOR ILLEGAL ALIENS INTO OUR COUNTRY.

I HOPE THOSE 311 are the first ones Trump revokes their status and kicks their asses back to shit-hole land.


h/t Gypo O’Leary