MARK JUDGE: ‘They Want Government to Be God.’

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I got to talk to [Scott] Baio about the new movie he’s in, God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust, which opens this weekend. The film stars David A. R. White as David Hill, a pastor who enters a congressional race after the sudden death of the incumbent. The favorite to assume the position is state senator Peter Kane, who at first has no serious competition. Kane is a secularist who touts the Enlightenment at every media stop and has deep antipathy towards Christians. Pastor Hill’s campaign inspires people who want more morality, honesty, and decency in American public life.

Baio plays Wesley, a sleazy opposition researcher who works for Senator Kane. Wesley tries to destroy Hill’s chances by planting false or exaggerated stories about him in the media. One of the minor characters is Martin, played by Paul Kwo, who has come to the U.S. from Communist China. A former atheist and now a Christian, Martin warns Hill about the Cultural Revolution in China and how it has spread to America. The Cultural Revolution was a period in China during the 1960s when people were tortured and killed if they dissented from the Marxist teachings of Mao Zedong. Hollywood loves to make movies about Joe McCarthy, but they are far more reluctant to address China’s Cultural Revolution, perhaps because it bears striking similarities with the past few years in America.

“I think you see it a lot with the persecution Christians,” Baio told me.

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