Map shows where bird flu is spreading in US as new warning issued

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Outbreaks of the spreading bird flu have been recorded in nearly every state, according to the US’s national public health agency which has issued a new health warning. The H5N1 strain of avian influenza has affected 48 states and 513 counties, together reporting 1,116 outbreaks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)

According to the CDC, a commercial dairy farm worker in Texas tested positive for the virus after developing conjunctivitis in late March, but was not hospitalized and is recovering. Avian flu viruses had previously been reported in dairy cattle and wild birds in the area.
No other cases of human infection with H5N1 have been identified, but CDC data reveals that bird flu outbreaks have been detected in all but two US states since January 2022 — and more than 1,100 H5N1 outbreaks have been recorded across 513 counties so far.
The map below visualizes the number of H5N1 bird flu outbreaks reported in each affected county, as well as the flock size and type

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In acute cases, however, lesions may include cyanosis and edema of the head, comb, wattle, and snood (turkey); ischemic necrosis of the comb, wattles, or snood; edema and red discoloration of the shanks and feet due to subcutaneous ecchymotic hemorrhages; petechial hemorrhages on visceral organs and in muscles;

Avian Influenza – Poultry – MSD Veterinary Manual

What are the lesions of avian flu?

Lesions include mucous in trachea, air sacculitis, swollen head or wattles, egg peritonitis, sinusitis, watery lungs, and fibrinous enteritis.

Does bird flu bring forth skin like shingles?

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infections resulted in respiratory disease in domestic dogs (10,11). In contrast, within the past 5 years, HPAI viruses (H5N1) have infected and killed carnivores belonging to 7 species: captive tigers (Panthera tigris) and leopards (P. pardus) (12,13); domestic cats (1417); captive Owston’s palm civets (Chrotogale owstoni) (18); a domestic dog (19); a free-living stone marten (Martes foina) (20); and a free-living American mink (21). In these species, the infection resulted in both respiratory and extrarespiratory lesions, demonstrating systemic infection beyond the respiratory system. The most frequently reported clinical signs for all species were respiratory distress, neurologic signs, or both.

Chickens infected with HPAIV H5N1 exhibited diverse lesions, showing some similarities to that reported in HPAIV H5N1 cases in 2020–2021 [3]. In addition, vascular lesions were more commonly observed

h/t Guest