$40,000,000,000 in Unrealized Losses Hits JPMorgan Chase As Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup Face Exposure to US Treasuries: Report
$40,000,000,000 in Unrealized Losses Hits JPMorgan Chase As Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup Face Exposure to US Treasuries: Report https://t.co/ReCYD0QpLy
— The Young Pretender (@Dioclet54046121) November 5, 2023
JPMorgan Chase has quietly revealed tens of billions of dollars in losses on securities, according to a new report on the company’s overall balance sheet.
The banking giant is now stuck with roughly $40 billion in unrealized bond losses as of Q3 of this year, which is a 20% rise over the previous quarter, reports B-a-r-r-o-n-s.
Bank of America unrealized loss is more than $100 billion.
But Biden is busy printing $100 billion to fund war! pic.twitter.com/RPFraIAwum
— Kashif Raza (@simplykashif) October 18, 2023
Bank have unrealized loss of 600 bln in Q2 2023, which is over 25% of total banks equity capital #SP500
And I've been told I'm bad at holding in red pic.twitter.com/thnNyiap1p— Katie (@MissKatieCrypto) October 10, 2023
h/t Poster Nutbag