Leaked Senate GOP Border Deal Sparks Concerns Over Encouraging Illegal Migration and Favoring Foreign Graduates Over Americans

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The Senate GOP leadership’s draft border deal with the White House would reward illegal migration and encourage more foreign graduates to take jobs from American graduates, says the Immigration Accountability Project.

“There’s nothing in there that [restricts immigration], in fact, it’s just going to encourage more people to come,” said Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, adding:

It essentially authorizes the Biden administration to continue to catch and release people into the country. It authorizes them to give them work permits [to illegal migrants and] authorizes them to grant parole [legal status] to everybody that they’re able to funnel to a port of entry.

The Republicans got played by the Democrats, he said. “The Republicans went to the auto shop to get their car fixed and walked out with a broken cup holder,” said Chmielenski, who posted the details in a tweet:

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Border deal would:

1) Increase green cards by 50,000/year

2) Work permits for adult children of H-1B holders

3) Immediate work permits to every illegal alien released from custody

4) Taxpayer funded lawyers to certain UACs and mentally incompetent aliens

5) Expulsion authority for a limited number of days ONLY if encounters exceed 5k/day over a seven day period

6) Restricts parole for those who enter without authorization between ports of entry

Chmielenski’s report matches a report from CBS and comments from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

The still-secret draft deal “is a sellout — it’s going to continue to allow illegal immigration,” Paul told Fox News on January 9. “It’s saying, ‘Oh, we’ll let 5,000 people come illegally a day, and then after that, we might try to stop the next 5,000 that day,’” he said, adding, “It’s completely a sellout.”

Democrats have won support from GOP leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) by threatening to cut off money for Ukraine’s war against Russia, Paul said:

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People like Senator [Mitch] McConnell care more about Ukraine than anything else — more than the border, more than anything else. He wants to send $60 billion of your money to Ukraine. On this issue, he is more aligned with Biden … McConnell is much more closely aligned with [President Joe] Biden than he is with the Republican Party.



h/t Coastie Patriot

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