by Chris Black
Everyone has a right to participate in our democracy.
Including and especially people who are legally banned from voting because they have actively worked to undermine society.
In fact, we might want to consider the idea that only felons should be allowed to vote.
Mississippi’s lifetime voting ban for people with disqualifying felony convictions has been struck down in a new decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
The court’s 2-1 decision will restore the right to vote for tens of thousands of Mississippians, according to the plaintiff’s council Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP.
The court ruled Thursday in the case of Hopkins v. Hosemann that by banning former offenders “from the body politic forever” they will be punished “beyond the term their culpability requires,” according to the decision.
Trump won in Mississippi by around 220K votes in both 2016 and 2020.
Just saying…
This country is so gone…