John Schneider called ‘racist’ for criticizing Beyonce in country music. 2,000+ comments on story.

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Beyoncé was compared to a dog marking its territory by actor and singer John Schneider.

The 63-year-old Dukes of Hazzard star — who said President Joe Biden ‘should be publicly hung’ — made the graphic analogy during an interview with conservative network One American News.

During the discussion he was asked about his thoughts on ‘leftist’ musicians, like the 42-year-old singer, who venture into different genres.

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The segment was about fans pressuring an Oklahoma radio station to play the Renaissance music artist’s new country music.

‘The lefties in the entertainment industry just won’t leave any area alone, right? They just have to seize control over every aspect, don’t they?’ the host asked Schneider.

He replied, ‘They’ve got to make their mark, just like a dog in a dog walk park. You know, every dog has to mark every tree, right? So that’s what’s going on here.’

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h/t CFP