It’s obvious.
The same guy they lied to protect for 5 years, now they are turning on him.
He’s not going to be 2024 candidate.
They know the cheat will not be believed with him at the head.
I don’t think they can sell fake black turnout for Newsome.
Kamala is a failure.
Mike Obama is their only out now.
Also Few people know this:
10 Republican Seats
15 Democrat Seats
–huge opportunity for the Republicans to win the Senate/House/Presidency
…they will have to epstein Trump.
CNN Throws Joe Biden Under the Bus – Entire Segment on How He is a Pathological Liar
CNN just spent an entire segment documenting how Joe Biden is a pathological liar:
Witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 – FALSE
Grandfather died just days before his own birth at the same hospital – FALSE
Conversation with Amtrak conductor (who was already dead) -…
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 14, 2023
New Reuters Poll buries the lede. Trump leads Biden 41-35 in seven swing states.