Israel’s Rule Based World Order

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by Chris Black

Israel has now bombed Lebanon and Syria while massacring civilians in Gaza.

Are these nations not entitled to go to war with them?

How is trying to bomb the airport of a neighboring state self-defense?

Make no mistake: America is a vassal state of Israel.

Palestinians have no army, no navy, no air force and they live in an open air concentration camp controlled by a hostile nation.

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It’s not an open air prison because they did nothing wrong to belong in prison.

Their only fault is that they exist, and that inconveniences Israel.

And Israel is trying to kill them all while the world is watching.

Western leaders helping these animals cover up what they did to those poor helpless children in the hospital are not being intellectually persuaded by the shitty forgeries and lies the Israeli information ministry and its Indian troll army are putting out.

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They are just afraid that if they don’t do what they are told they will stop getting paid, go to jail or die.

Israel is a terrorist state, a mafia state, like little Benny Shapiro likes to say.

What’s happening now with Palestinians is how Zionism looks with the mask off.