How much trouble are Disney in?

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by sirbinlid1

I have been reading and following the story in recent months regarding Disney, the share price is down from 135 dollars a share to 85 this year and 200 the year before, however everywhere you look it seems that Disney is in trouble, Disney + is running at a loss, its Marvel and star wars tv shows are for the most part awful and they are impacting its cinema releases, basically constantly pushing out marvel universe pish on tv is damping appetite for already struggling Marvel movies It has massive debt (55 + billion) Cruise lines are losing money Numbers at its theme parks are down as they are pricing middle american out of visiting. For example, the Sar Wars crusier experience was charging over 5k for a two-night stay for 2 adults and a child, it closing in Sept Pixar has lost its mojo after a run of flops Its cable business is dying and is unprofitable Its movie business model is awful, the public is bored with the lack of originality, rehashing cartoons as real life movies and having an 80 year old playing an action hero isnt cutting the mustard. Combined with the public growing bored of Marvel and Star Wars which were massive earners, as a result movie projects have been moth balled. The right wing go woke , go broke, may be having an impact but its difficult to say if this is responsible for million of users walking away from Disney + or theme parks.

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Seems that the return of Bob Iger has had the opposite effect they hoped when he returned.

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