Houthi Missiles hit British and US Warships in the Red Sea. Serious Damage Reported. Germans come to the Rescue

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Yemen’s Houthis attacked four US warships in the Red Sea over the past 24 hours

The British Navy’s HMS Diamond was reported to have been seriously damaged. Although Britain denies any damage, the ship was removed from the Houthi attack zone.

The USS Labone was also hit by ballistic missiles.

The British and American navies never achieved anything in the Red Sea.

Britain withdraws its destroyer after clashes with Yemen

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Britain is withdrawing one of its destroyers HMS DIAMOND from the Red Sea because it was subjected to 3 different attacks from Yemen.

The destroyer had previously been fired at several times by missiles and drones from Yemen, who also claimed to have damaged the destroyer.

Britain claims it is withdrawing it for “technical reasons”.

German frigate “Hessen” will sail to the Red Sea to confront Yemeni Houthis

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Today, 240 Bundeswehr soldiers will leave the Wilhelmshaven navy base on the frigate “Hesse” for the Red Sea region to conduct an operation against the Yemeni Houthis. In addition, two helicopters, medics and a military chaplain are also on board.

Plans for the European Union’s Eunavfor Aspides mission include sending several European warships to the region to protect cargo ships in the Gulf of Aden from the Houthis.


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