Harvard’s plagiarism “freedom”: Discrimination threat turns plagiarism into a de facto legal act.

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HMM: House committee to probe plagiarism allegations against Harvard president.

Fire Claudine Gay:

I see Gay as getting her post at Harvard because she was a diversity, equity and inclusion candidate, not on the basis of strong academic qualifications. There are plenty of accomplished blacks who need no such ‘help.’ Harvard is reaping the negative consequences. I am not much concerned about Gay’s success in exercising her power as I don’t think she has much. She is a discredit to Harvard, and that is being revealed. See: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-harvard-cant-fire-claudine-gay-dei-hiring-lack-of-merit-b1d480ec.

Related: 2022 Nobel Laureate Philip Dybvig:

Claudine Gay has power now and she is the oppressor of any group not favored by her and other people in power. This is a common pattern in governments heading for totalitarianism. First, say you represent the oppressed. Then you get power and oppress non-favored groups. This leaves you in a morally indefensible position that could not survive given free speech, so you do what you can to destroy anyone (“counterrevolutionaries”) who disagrees with your narrative.


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h/t Glenn Reynolds