Greeks Mad after Netflix Docudrama Shows Alexander the Great to be a Flaming Homosexual

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by Chris Black

Everyone knew that any Netflix documentary about Alexander the Great was going to be a gay porno.

This is despite the fact that there is no actual evidence Alexander was gay. It’s just a big scam, like everything else.


Greek Cultural Minister Lina Mendoni is outraged by U.S. streaming service Netflix’s take on Alexander the Great with its new show “Birth of a God.” The Greek minister of culture is upset that Alexander the Great — one of the most prominent figures in ancient history — is portrayed as homosexual, along with his main friend in the show.

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An opinion piece in the Greek daily Eleftheros Typos had already been published earlier, saying that this was a “distortion of the truth.” In the article, Oliver Stone’s 2004 film Alexander was blamed for “launching a propaganda campaign about Alexander the Great’s homosexuality.”

There is only one good media portrayal of Alexander.