Germany’s Biggest Newspaper Writes Article Demanding Muslims “Integrate or Leave”

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by Chris Black

Well, this is very interesting if you come to think about it.

I mean, this article was written after tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants brought to Germany by the usual suspects protested against Israel slaughtering civilians in Gaza.

They didn’t write anything remotely like this article after the countless terrorist attacks, murders, rapes, robberies and assaults that the Muslim immigrants committed against Germans.

Makes you wonder who’s in control over there.


Our world is in chaos, and we are right in the middle of it. Since the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel, we are experiencing a new dimension of hatred in our country – against our values, democracy, and against Germany.

The recent days reveal what has been simmering and boiling in our society for a long time: In our country, there are many people who oppose our way of life. People who celebrate the murder of innocent civilians. Those who teach their children to hate others, because they are “infidels”. Those who want to forbid women from wearing skirts or trousers. Those who despise the Basic Law and instead listen to radical preachers. They exploit tolerance because they want a different society.

See also  "It's a wild rumor," is my favorite way to start a news article.

We must not accept this! This cannot continue!

Germany must now say NO! To anti-Semitism, to misanthropy, and to all those who say “No” to us.

Because in our so wonderful and embracing country, the dignity of EVERY person is inviolable: No matter what hair color he has, which language she speaks, what one believes in. We must defend this! If we stumble now, we fall.

That’s why BILD has formulated a manifesto.

A kind of house rules, a guiding idea for what keeps our free society together. The text is addressed to all people living in Germany.

Because: Never again is now!