Geiger Capital: “Holy. Sh**. I thought this was a typo… All of the net job gains are immigrants. native-born Americans LOST their job.

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Geiger Capital’s recent revelation left me speechless. It’s not just shocking; it’s a wake-up call for America. In February alone, a staggering 1.2 million immigrants, both legal and illegal, secured jobs, while 500,000 native-born Americans lost theirs. Can you believe it?

Since the onset of the pandemic, native-born workers have endured a devastating blow, losing a total of 2 million jobs. And here’s the kicker: not a single job created since June 2018 has been for US-born workers. Zero. Zilch. Nada. All the approximately 3.9 million net job gains? They belong to immigrants. It’s a bitter truth we can’t ignore.

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Even Elon Musk, who once supported the Democratic party, is sounding the alarm. He’s calling for a red wave because he knows that if we don’t act fast, America could be in serious trouble.

It’s time for America to face reality. While immigrants thrive in the job market, hardworking citizens are left behind. Is this the American dream we were promised? I don’t think so.


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h/t dr0id

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