During December, I rarely saw a FedEx delivery trick on the roads in my 80,000+ person town, rarely a UPS truck, maybe a few Amazon trucks every once in a while. The real economy seems to be declining fast.
From r/Fedexer:
We are in a recession. Buckle up.
This morning, we were notified by text that the whole morning sort was canceled due to “low volume availability”. It felt so effing good to sleep in, but thats besides the point.
It just seems strange that the volume has been low since the beginning of peak. There was six busy days right after Thanksgiving, then…nothing. I work at the third largest hub in the country, so I KNOW something is wrong. You dont have to have a business degree in Macroeconomics to get that we are in a recession. We as package handlers and drivers are the FIRST to notice if the economy is tanking or booming due to the demand. I know some of yall are gonna say, “well, I load 10 trucks a day”, or “I make a 150 stops a day.” Be real. For most of us, we arent seeing the demand. And from what I seen and heard, the American consumer is not spending. And that means for us, It ain’t looking good boys.