FARAGE is at Brussels slagging off EU. Police outside ready to shut him down. Victor Orban’s due to speak but police blocking venue

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Farage at Brussels. The Tunisian man who allowed him to speak at the venue is being threatened, as is his family. Other venues have been cancelled.

He’s really telling them about how dystopian and authoritarian the EU is. (I’m watching on GB News, the channel which has had it’s advertising cancelled in an effort to shut them down.)

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I hope GBNEWS records this. He’s really telling the truth about the EU cancel culture.

The Mayor of Belgium has issued an order to shut the venue down “as a matter of safety. No place for the far-right”. The police are outside. They’ve issued a 15 minute order for him to stop the meeting – he’s carrying on speaking and just said let them come and remove me from the stage.

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I wonder if they will…

h/t Tess

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