Isch over.
Die russische Flagge an dem Ort, an dem Selenskyj noch Ende Dezember ein Selfie von sich am Eingang von #Awdijiwka machte.
Die Stadt ist nun taktisch von Russland eingekesselt. Größte Aufgabe für die Ukrainer wird es sein, dort noch lebend rauszukommen.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 15, 2024
An Selenskyjs Selfie-Fahnenmast vorbei, zieht sich die ukrainische Armee unter schwerem Feuer Russlands aus Awdijiwka zurück. Anspruch und Realität klaffen weit auseinander. Nicht nur in Berlin, Warschau und Washington, sondern auch in Kiew.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 16, 2024
No European army gave only 10% of its military resources to Ukraine to defeat the Russian invasion army.
So stop pointing at the US.
It’s our fault, respectively, your fault, European heads of states.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 15, 2024
The Ukrainian army surrendered the #Avdiivka Coal Plant to Russian invasion forces.
As they planned to "withdraw units from the city and move to defense on more favorable lines", you see my mildly shocked as this plant is probably the most fortified position in the area.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 17, 2024
The Ukrainian army is in the process of pulling out of #Avdiivka. Russian invasion forces are quickly advancing inside and around the town.
Let's hope as many as possible Ukrainian soldiers will make it out alive.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 15, 2024
Ukraine lost another Leopard 2A4 south of #Mariinka.
Unlikely, the tank will be retrieved before Russians gain control of this area.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 17, 2024
The Russian invasion army captured the filtration station position in Eastern #Avdiivka. Westward withdrawal of Ukrainian forces continues.— Julian Röpcke🇺🇦 (@JulianRoepcke) February 16, 2024
Just 6 months ago, it was safe to say that Ukraine was the most pro-American country ln earth. Ukrainians felt that the US and the values it was thought to represent were on their team in fighting a common enemy.
Now, it's a very different story with many in shock as to how easy…
— Jay in Kyiv (@JayinKyiv) February 17, 2024
As Russians approach, the last surviving Ukrainians flee the ruins of Avdiivka with their pets.— Jay in Kyiv (@JayinKyiv) February 17, 2024
h/t dr0id