Excessive money printing has raised prices above long-term core trend, causing permanent higher prices, cost of living, and poor and middle-class burdens.

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Reality is all that previous excessive money printing has goosed up prices far above the long term core trend.
And only a hard landing would even have a shot at bringing it back to trend, otherwise the future is clear: Permanent higher prices and cost of living with wages not having kept up.
And the poor and middle class will end up paying for the Fed’s original policy error for many years to come while the top 1% again gets all the asset gain benefits.
But nobody talks about this for the Fed never faces consequences for its mistakes. You are.

Instead they would get celebrated for a soft landing and Powell would get his ‘Hero’ glossy magazine cover as Bernanke did.

But yea, a hard landing would also again hurt the poor and middle class the most.
That’s the system we have & that’s why the middle class keeps shrinking decade after decade.

I don’t have the answer, I can just observe reality.

We’re screwed.

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