Do you have parasites? 20 Symptoms and how to fix it

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If you have five or more of the below you probably have parasites:

1) Digestion problems
2) Episodes of nausea and vomiting
3) Anemia
4) Chronic inflamed joints and muscles
5) Array of vision problems
6) Assortment of dental problems
7) Skin problems of various kinds
8) Unexplained weight loss
9) Fatigue
10) Flu symptoms
11) Itchy skin
12) Allergic reasons
13) Neurological issues
14) Cramping (especially with women)
15) Enlarged lymph nodes
16) Unexplained fever
17) Night sweats
18) Sleep problems
19) Diagnosied with chronic fatigue syndrom
20) Itchy butt or vulva

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Below is a video on the protocol for eliminating parasites.

I’m not going to summarize it other than you will need to break parasite biofilms, use a binder to remove, repopulate your microbiome. It’s seven minutes.

It can take up to 18 months to clear yourself.

h/t Tonight We Ride!