This woman hits the nail on the head when she describes seeing Donald Trump in-person as “jarring” since that’s the exact way I’d describe my own experience. Because like her, I was seated about 30′ away from him in a room of only 300 other people.
It was at the 2016 Kansas caucus in a stop he added -with only 24hrs notice- before landing at Wichita. But unlike his later rallies and events, there weren’t thousands of people lined up for hours waiting to enter… also lacking were banks of media cameras recording every second. And after I passed through the heavy security, once inside that meeting room it immediately became a far more intimate experience of just common Kansans there to hear from a man who wanted to be our President.
Oh, he still dominated that room and as he began to speak you could’ve heard a pin drop because it wasn’t what he said as much as HOW he said it. His words still packed substance, but his delivery was what gave them their final weight.
And, he didn’t give off the attitude of a very rich man who kept others at arm’s length; nope, it was more like listening to a guy who was simply passionate about his country and where it was headed. He appeared to be a very approachable, sincere -and yeah, even trustworthy- man and the feeling I got was that here was a guy who would be very comfortable chowing down with average people whether in a McDonald’s or 5-star restaurant… and one who would make you feel at ease while you sat next to him and it was obvious the others in that room felt the same as I.
And, here’s the kicker: when I walked into that room I’d been a registered Democrat for over 30 years. But, that was soon to change.