Did Israel Allow Hamas to Attack?

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by Chris Black

The question to always ask is:

Would your government send you to an open field when they knew it was supposed to be attacked, so they could secure billions of dollars in aid money?

The answer is yes.

Dead bodies look great on TV and newspapers. Dead children, even if they aren’t actually dead, have the most impact.

Last night I saw the first commercial asking for donations to help Israel, with a whole bunch of stock footage of long passed events.

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For only $45 you can begin to help the Israeli families impacted by these heinous attacks.

Can I ask Israelis to help me pay my bills since The Fed has caused my paycheck to shrink by 40% through inflation over the last two years?

I don’t stand with Hamas or Israel.

If both sides wiped themselves out, I’d see it as a net win for the rest of the world.

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Israel has enough money and weapons to defend themselves. The country has never needed a single dollar from the rest of the world, but the leadership connected themselves to every western government to secure limitless graft.

It really shouldn’t even be a fight, but Israel will stall and cry.

Whining about needing aid, which will just be handed to Larry Fink so he can buy up more of the world.