Did Biden Just Say Hello to WWIII?

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Powder Keg Europe: Dutch Army Commander Urges Preparation for War With Russia, as Netherlands Get Ready To Send F-16 Fighters to Ukraine

Times are good for fear mongering in Europe, it seems. As the ‘old continent’ is overrun with unchecked mass migration, civilian and military leaders noticeably change subject, bang the drums of war and warn of war with Russia.

The outgoing commander of the Dutch army, for one, decided to ‘go out with a bang’, as he called on the Netherlands to become better prepared for a potential future war with Russia.

See also  The media's predictions about Trump leading us to WWIII seem wildly off-track.

Newsweek reported:

“‘The Netherlands should be seriously afraid of war, and our society should prepare for it… Russia is getting stronger’ Lieutenant General Martin Wijnen, commander of the Royal Netherlands Army, said in an interview with the newspaper De Telegraaf.


This is extremely troubling.


As reported at MSN, Biden now admits the United States is at risk of “direct conflict” with Russia “if the Kremlin succeeds in its war in Ukraine.”

All News Pipeline notes that Biden is: “Basically telling us that if Russia wins the war against Ukraine, which is looking more and more likely every day, it’ll soon be the woke and broke US military going toe to toe against the Russian military, and all of the death and destruction that would bring the world with it, Biden didn’t bother to mention in those recent remarks the probability that such a conflict will end up bringing with it nuclear bombs exploding all across America.”

See also  Biden pardons Fauci, Milley, Jan. 6 committee members before Trump takes office.



h/t Entwife