According to the terms of its Antigua issued license SEZH will set up an independent Zone Management Committee to provide “Customs, Immigrations and Police Services to and for the Zone.” A fishing company “ocean monitoring team” will help the Antiguan coast guard to “regulate” territorial waters. There will be no restrictions on commercial activities—permissions will be granted by the committee, not by the Antiguan government—and zero taxes and customer and asset confidentiality.
Taking up 1,600 acres of land, triple that including the waters between islands, the zone will have the island’s second commercial port after the one built in St. John’s by China Civilian Engineering and Construction Company, a China state-owned company.
According to documents reviewed exclusively by Newsweek, a dedicated airline for the zone called ABSEZ International Airlines Ltd. was incorporated on January 31. In addition to carrying passengers and goods and even constructing buildings, it can undertake “any other business” that enhances its profits.
An “Antigua and Barbuda International CRYPTO Services Zone” will offer a full suite of cryptocurrency operations from mining to dealing.