Sweden’s central bank is in dire need of a taxpayer bailout, joining the Bank of England, which received $35 billion in assistance the previous year. This trend is indicative of central bankers turning to already financially burdened taxpayers for support. The figures are even more staggering for the Fed, with a deficit exceeding a trillion dollars. Sweden’s central bank’s bailout, amounting to $7 billion, translates to around $260 billion in relative terms when compared to the US.
Sweden's central bank needs a taxpayer bailout.
Joining the Bank of England who got $35 billion last year as central bankers come for taxpayers who are beyond tapped out.
The numbers for the Fed are a lot bigger — over a trillion in the hole. pic.twitter.com/pI51RXo5Ie
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) October 29, 2023
The Swedish central bank goes bust, comes in for a $7 billion taxpayer bailout.
Given Sweden's size, that's $260 billion in relative US terms. In one year. Of course piled on top of Sweden's deficit.
We'll see a lot more of this to come. In fact, the Fed's well past bankrupt,… https://t.co/pZOaxZ27oD
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October 29, 2023
Sweden’s central bank needs a taxpayer bailout. Meanwhile, the Fed is sitting on trillions dollar in toxic-waste mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) it took off the ledgers of its bankster accomplices.
The next time you get a margin call just remember to tell them you identify as the Fed's balance sheet where the cumulative MTM loss is $1 trillion. pic.twitter.com/ZZ7a8xdkK9
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 25, 2023
In the week ending October 25th:
1. The Federal Reserve's total balance sheet DECREASED by $25.3 billion and now stands at $7.907 trillion.
Total assets (balance sheet)
2. Securities held outright by the Federal Reserve DECREASED by $18 billion… pic.twitter.com/G3VFaPqLEY
— Macro Dose (@macro_dose) October 26, 2023
h/t Simian_Stacker