CDC to Drop Five-Day Coronavirus Isolation Recommendation

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by Chris Black

Maybe the global warming hoax will end up being bigger, but right now, coronavirus is the world champion hoax.

They told everyone that if you tested positive with their fake test, you could spread the alleged virus to others even with no symptoms.

Apparently they’re just now changing that rule, all these years later?


The U.S. CDC plans to drop its five-day COVID-19 isolation recommendations under new guidance planned by the agency, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

The health agency plans to recommend people who test positive for COVID-19 to take a call on when to end isolation based on their symptoms.

People with mild and improving symptoms would no longer need to stay home if they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours, the report said citing CDC officials familiar with the matter, adding the new recommendations would not apply to hospitals and other health-care settings with more vulnerable populations.

Weird announcement.

Who the hell even knows what it means that the government still has all of these supposed “scientists” working on this virus hoax.

Presumably, it means they’re planning on bringing it back at some point. Probably as soon as they feel enough people have totally forgotten about it.

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