California hardware store lost $700K from shoplifting in 2022

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A family-owned hardware store in California’s Bay Area had an eye-watering $700,000 in merchandise stolen in a single year — as organized retail theft runs rampant in the Democrat-run state.

Dale Hardware in Fremont documented record losses in 2022 due to the brazen larceny, owner Kyle Smith told The Mercury News.

He said his business loses about $1,800 a day — and that his grandfather, who first began the business in 1955, would “roll in his grave” if he knew the financial hardship the store was facing as a result of the scourge.

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“You’ll go, ‘Sir, sir, sir!’ and they don’t even turn around,” Smith told the outlet.

“Or they’ll give you a look, like, ‘Do you want to go there?’”

Retail experts told the outlet a variety of things have led to the current shoplifting crisis, including an increase in “organized retail theft,” or social media posts that have seemingly prompted people to flock to stores and steal.

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