BREAKING: President Milei’s Decrees Which Have Caused Mass Protests and Argentina’s Congress Being Surrounded, English Subtitles

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Argentines Today is a historic day for our country after
decades of failures, impoverishment, decadence and anomie,
today we formally begin the path of reconstruction since we
took office just 8 business days ago, we have been focused
on trying to contain the enormous crisis that we inherited,
that is why we designed a shock stabilization plan that
includes a fiscal adjustment program, an exchange rate
policy that adjusted the exchange rate to the market value
and a monetary policy that includes the sanitation of the
Central Bank. We are doing our utmost to try to reduce the
tragic effects of what can be the worst crisis in our
history as a result of decades of governments that have

insisted on failed recipes because as we said during all
these months the problem is not the chef but the recipe.
Those ideas that failed in Argentina are the same ideas
that have failed throughout throughout the planet because
wherever they have been attempted they have been an
economic failure they have been a social failure they have
been a cultural failure and on top of that they have cost
the lives of millions of human beings that doctrine that
some could call left socialism fascism communism and what
we like to classify as collectivism is a form of thought
that dilutes the individual in favor of the Power of the
state is the basic foundation of the caste model is a
doctrine of thought that is based on the premise that

reason of state is more important than the individuals that
make up the nation that the individual is only recognized
if he submits to the state and that therefore citizens owe
homage to their representatives the political caste is to
say that individuals are nothing but a means For the
purposes of the state, it is a way of seeing the world that
consists of the belief that a group of men, politicians,
are superior to the rest of the individuals and that
therefore they should be the ones who govern the destinies
of their compatriots, a doctrine that The idea that a group
of bureaucrats sitting in an office can plan the lives of
millions of human beings considering their desires,
capabilities, preferences and circumstances is a doctrine

that considers that politicians are omnipresent, omniscient
and omnipotent, meaning that in essence it is a doctrine
that considers that politicians are God, well, we have come
to tell you that politicians are not only not God, but they
are the cause of our problems because for decades they have
defended these impoverishing ideas that we are talking
about. while they became increasingly richer because it is
the merciless implementation of these ideas for more than
100 years that took us little by little step by step to the
economic hell that we live today, the process has been
gradual and on this path we have become accustomed and
taken as normal state interference that is the cause of

problems, the balance is the country that receives the
worst inheritance in history, a country with a consolidated
deficit of 15% of GDP where 5% of the deficit is from the
treasury and 10% from the Central Bank. a country that
spends so much that it cannot pay it even with the highest
blank tax pressure in the world a country without reserves
in the central bank and with its credit confidence
destroyed a country that has issued money for 20 points of
GDP to finance that public spending And that now as a
result of this issuance of unbridled in the face of its
worst inflation crisis in 40 years, a country that was on
its way to crashing into an annual inflation of 15,000 and

that requires an urgent change of course to avoid disaster
that change begins today A central aspect of the failure of
the last 100 years is the interference that the state has
had in the lives of citizens. From this belief that
politicians are superior beings who must govern the
destinies of each of us, an institutional scaffolding
emerges that It makes it impossible for anyone to work,
trade or be educated without their permission while in a
free society everything is allowed except what is
prohibited in a collectivist society like Argentina
everything is prohibited except what is allowed by
politicians in clear opposition to the Spirit of our

liberal Constitution that sought to restrict the arbitrary
power of the state in defense of the life, liberty and
property of individuals. During the last 100 years,
politicians have been busy expanding the power of the state
to the detriment of well-being Argentines. The expansion of
the State has been accompanied by the greatest destruction
of wealth in a country on record. Our country, which at the
beginning of the 20th century was the leading world power,
has been engulfed in an endless cycle over the last 100

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from Cris that they all have the same origin, the fiscal
deficit. In fact, of the last 123 years, in 113 of them we
have had a fiscal deficit and of the 22 crises that we
Argentines have suffered in our history, 20 have had a
fiscal origin, but as the class politics has never wanted
to attack the cause of our problems, they have
systematically resorted to debt, monetary issuance or tax
increases to alleviate this deficit. The consequence of
those decisions is that Argentina is the greatest cereal
turner in the world. We have taken away 13 c to the

currency we have destroyed five monetary signs we have had
two hyperinflations without wars and we have the highest
blank tax pressure in the world what must be understood is
that the problem is the deficit and that the solutions that
politicians resort to are far from fixing the The problem
is worsened by the use of debt as a continuous mechanism
for financing the deficit, the inevitable default, what is
produced is the increase in country risk, the rise in
interest rates, the fall in investment and finally
miserable real wages, monetary issuance as there is. been
demonstrated theoretically and empirically, it is the only
cause of inflation, which is a hidden regressive tax that

hinders the price signal, destroys investment and the
purchasing power of Argentines. The indiscriminate and
continuous increase in taxes threatens the property rights
of Argentines. against savings and investment and
consequently also generates miserable real wages to solve
the problems caused by the different mechanisms with which
politicians try to finance the deficit instead of facing
the cause, which is the fiscal deficit, politicians
introduce regulations price controls obstacles obstacles
Bureaucratic and regulatory policies that violate the
freedom and property rights of Argentines hinder the

economic calculation and destroy the generation of wealth.
Consequently, the state as a whole has become a machine
that prevents trade, work, production, savings, investment.
generation of wealth, economic growth and fundamentally
freedom, the consequence of this is that Argentina is a
country where 50% of the population is below the poverty
line, more than 10% of the population is indigent in a
country that produces food for 400 million human beings
with a tax pressure on the agricultural sector of 70, the
state keeps the food for 280 million human beings and there
are 5 million Argentines who cannot afford to eat, private
employment is stagnant at 6 million jobs for more than a
decade the per capita GDP is 15% lower than in 2011 a

of formal workers are poor we have a low unemployment rate
but that is explained by precarious employment and
miserable real wages and six of every 10 boys between C and
14 years old are poor I want to stop for a second on this
figure that you just heard, six out of every 10 boys
between C and 14 years old are poor. That is the tragedy we
are experiencing as a result of a political and economic
model that threatens Against freedom, nothing is more
important than reversing this tragedy that mortgages our
future and that is why our focus on the importance of human
capital as an engine of economic growth. Well, today we

take the first step to end the model of decadence on the
day of Today I have signed a decree of necessity and
urgency to begin to unravel this oppressive institutional
legal scaffolding that has destroyed our country as our
economic model, unlike what has been done in the last 100
years, attacks the deficit that is the cause of our
problems and not the consequences of it, we can begin today
to undo all these regulations that aim to provide solutions
but only generate problems. The decree of necessity and
urgency that we are presenting today is intended to begin
the process of economic regulation that Argentina so much
needs to be able to begin grow among many reforms, the

decree includes one repeal of the rental law so that the
real estate market functions again without problems and
renting is not an Odyssey two repeal of the supply law so
that the state never again attacks the property right of
individuals three repeal of the gondola law so that the
state stops interfering in the decisions of Argentine
merchants four repeal of the national purchase law that
only benefits certain actors in power five repeal of the
price observatory of the Ministry of Economy to avoid the
persecution of companies six repeal of the Industrial
Promotion Law seven repeal of the commercial promotion law
eight repeal of the regulations that prevent the
privatization of public companies nue repeal of the State

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companies regime 10 transformation of all state companies
in public limited companies for subsequent privatization 11
modernization of the labor regime to facilitate the process
of job creation Genuine 12 reform of the customs code to
facilitate international trade from today Prohibition of
exports is prohibited 13 repeal of the land law to promote
investments 14 modification of the fire law 15 repeal of
the obligations that sugar mills have regarding sugar
production 16 liberation of the applicable legal regime of
the wine sector 17 repeal of the National Mining Trade
System and the mining information bank 18 authorization for
the session of the total or partial share package of
Argentine airlines 19 implementation of the open skies

policy 20 modification of the civil and commercial code to
reinforce the principle of contractual freedom between the
parties 21 modification of the civil and commercial code to
guarantee that the obligations contracted in foreign
currency must be paid in the agreed currency 22
modification of the regulatory framework for prepaid
medicine and social works 23 elimination of price
restrictions on the prepaid industry 24 incorporation of
prepaid medicine companies into the social works regime 25
reestablishment of the electronic prescription to speed up
the service and minimize costs 26 modifications to the
regime of pharmaceutical companies to promote competition
and reduce costs 27 modification of the corporate law so

that football clubs can become public limited companies if
they so wish 28 deregulation of services of satellite
internet to allow the entry of companies like starlink 29
deregulation of the tourism sector eliminating the monopoly
of tourism agencies 30 incorporation of digital tools for
automotive registration procedures these reforms of which I
have only mentioned 30 of the more than 300 included These
are some of the reforms that are contemplated in the decree
of necessity and urgency that we signed today. The
objective is to begin the path of reconstruction of our
country, returning freedom and autonomy to individuals and
beginning to dismantle the enormous amount of regulations

that have prevented hindered and stopped economic growth in
our country, but this is only the first step. In the coming
days, we will call extraordinary sessions of the National
Congress and send a package of laws asking Congress for
collaboration to advance this process of change that
society chose in In a context of crisis that requires
immediate action, the nation’s deputies and senators will
face the historic responsibility of choosing between being
part of this change or obstructing the most ambitious
reform project of the last 40 years in order to finally be
able to launch the productive forces. of the Argentines

begin to walk the path to once again being a world power. I
trust that our representatives will defend the interests of
the Argentines and not those of the caste that has
benefited for decades from this impoverishing system if we
advance on this path and do so. We do it with determination
and forcefulness. I am sure that our country will return to
the path of growth and progress that we once knew how to
follow. Therefore, I want to thank you. May God bless the

Argentines and may the forces of heaven be with us. Thank
you very much.

BREAKING VIDEO: “Protesters surround Argentine Congress” After President Milei Begins to Dismantle Government Control of the Economy

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h/t dr0id