Boat full of Illegals lands near Barbara Streisand’s house in Malibu. Video shows 100+ Illegals disembark on beach.

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Barbra Streisand has lots of spare room! Astonishing moment boat full of migrant lands on MALIBU beach over 100 miles from Mexico-California border, close to home of megastar who lashed Trump’s wall

  • New footage shows a migrant boat landing on the beach in Malibu in the early hours of November 28, with around 25 people running up the shore
  • Migrant boat landings in Malibu, 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, are extremely rare: it is unclear if anyone was detained
  • The landing was near the 19-bedroom $100 million clifftop mansion owned by Barbra Streisand, a strident critic of Donald Trump’s border wall 
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