Biden’s state dept requires Israel evacuees to sign a promissory note to pay back the travel costs prior to departure

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by EuphoricTrilby

U.S. law requires that departure assistance to private U.S. citizens or third country nationals be provided “on a reimbursable basis to the maximum extent practicable.” By taking a U.S. government coordinated transport, evacuees are obligated to repay the cost of their transportation. The amount billed to evacuees is based on the cost of a full fare economy flight, or comparable alternate transportation, to the designated destination(s) that would have been charged immediately prior to the events giving rise to the evacuation. Because different evacuation transports may go to different destinations, the cost of one transport may be different than another. We encourage people to leave on the first transport they are able and eligible to board.

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If you’re unable to pay, there’s procedures in place to organize a loan, but yes, it is the law and has been since well before the Biden presidency

They did this when they got American citizens out of Afghanistan too. They got called on the 2k fees though.

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Same idiot admin same disgusting policy until they’re called on it enough their lies don’t work. Which yes they originally denied the 2k fees.