Countless Americans saved up their PTO throughout the year to enjoy the holiday season with family. The leader of this nation need not take such precautions. I’ve reported that Joe Biden has only been a part-time president, and that claim still holds true as it has been revealed that the president spent 40% of his presidency out of office.
The president has been unavailable for 570 days of his entire term thus far. This is what I say when I explain there is no one at the helm in Washington. Biden now holds the record for being the least active president in American history.
I believe this has less to do with laziness and more to do with the simple fact that the man is unwell. A newly released report shows that Biden began showing signs of mental decline long before his 2020 Presidential Campaign and the White House was forced to “adapt … around the needs of a diminished leader.”
The report notes that Biden was unable to handle long meetings without becoming fatigued. The White House was unable to hold early morning meetings and often canceled meeting entirely when the president was having a bad day. “He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow,” one aid commented.
A picture of Joe Biden relaxing on the beach in Delaware has accompanied nearly every crisis that America has faced over the past four years. Let us not forget that Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified documents resulted in deeming the PRESIDENT too mentally unfit to stand for trial. Hur said the public would see Biden as a “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory” if he were to stand trial. In other words, the public was never meant to see his decline.
The public should be absolutely outraged that the Biden Administration hid this crucial information from the people. Anyone with integrity would have called for his resignation. Instead, we were fed lies for four years and told to look the other way when disastrous mistakes happened under his watch.