C’mon Joe. The media has always reported bad news. Warm and fuzzy doesn’t anger people, but bad news does! And under Bidenomics, there has been a lot of bad news.
President Biden railed against corporate media before he and several family members headed by helicopter to Camp David, the presidential retreat in the mountains of western Maryland.
Before boarding the presidential helicopter, Biden was asked by one reporter: “What’s your outlook on the economy next year?”
The president responded: “All good,” adding, “Take a look. Start reporting it the right way.”
Sounds like Biden watched the Travola/Jackson flick “Basic” where the infamous line was uttered “Tell the story right.”
OK Joey, let’s tell the story right. After the horrendous economic shutdowns of local economics and schools in 2020, 15.1 million jobs were added after the shutdowns ended in just 10 months. Wow, that was simple! But under Biden’s Reign of Economic Error, only 15.5 million jobs were added over the next 34 months.

But Biden’s record on jobs comes at the expense of an additional $6.25 TRILLION IN PUBLIC DEBT.

With $34 trillion and rapdily growing debt and budget deficits, it is hard to find good news about Bidenomics.