Axl Rose Getting MeToo’d for Alleged Sexual Assault from 1989

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by Chris Black


All my childhood heroes are getting destroyed.

Washington Examiner:

Axl Rose, frontman of the rock band Guns N’ Roses, has been accused of “violently” sexually assaulting Penthouse magazine model Sheila Kennedy in a lawsuit filed Wednesday with the New York State Supreme Court.

Kennedy is suing Rose for battery, assault, gender-motivated violence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress in an incident at a New York City hotel room on Central Park West in 1989.

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Wait, what year is this again?

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I mean, you can’t wait decades to accuse someone of rape. This is insane.

These women go to a hotel room with a rock star or whomever, then are shocked when they’re having sex.

Then decades later, they regret it.

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