Annual Interest On The US National Debt Exceeds 1 Trillion Dollars

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This amounts to a doubling of interest costs over the past 19 months, according to Bloomberg. It is the equivalent of 15.9 percent of the Federal budget for fiscal year 2022.

This is based on the current book debt of $33+ trillion. It doesn’t reflect the $211+ trillion in unfunded liabilities.

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(lower right)

Make no mistake, this is the final stage of the FED going bankrupt.

Just about 2 months ago, the unfunded liabilities was $180+ trillion. Now it’s over $211+ trillion.

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That’s a $30+ trillion increase in a couple months.

Prepare, the fed collapse is near. 6-12 months.

How i estimated it.

There’s also $1 trillion in new borrowing, separate
from interest payments so we should see a $3 trillion
deficit in 2025.