Americans think Mortgage Rates will Hit 10%

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Americans think Mortgage Rates will Hit 10%. They’re currently at 7.75%. In 2020 rates were 3%. Let’s look at payments for various combinations at various prices:

________________________________               __3% Rate__8% Rate__10% Rate
2020 Median House Price $320,000*_____$1,079____$1,878___$2,247
2024 Median House Price $420,000*_____$1,417____$2,465___$2,949

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* Assumes 20% down / Excludes Insurance, other costs

Basically housing costs have increased 2.5-3.0x under Biden.

See also  Americans are tapped out and interest rates are high. The only surprise is that the pullback took so long.

h/t Tonight We Ride!

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