After passing many foreign aid bills house fails to pass remain in Mexico policy

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NEW: House fails to pass border security bill with Remain in Mexico policy
The GOP led House only managed to get 5 Democrats to join them

The GOP-led House failed to pass a border security bill with a two-thirds majority vote on Saturday. The bill that would have reinstated the “Remain in Mexico” policy failed with a 215-199 vote count.

Rep. Celeste Maloy (R-UT) announced that the bill was not passed on the floor on Saturday morning.

“On this vote, the yeas are 215, the nays are 199. Two-thirds not being in the affirmative, the rules are not suspended, the bill is not passed,” she said.

The vote was on an amended version of the foreign aid bill that would have increased border security. It also would have reinstated Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy, according to the Daily Mail.

h/t Coastie Patriot

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