Top 1% Now Have Higher Share Of Household Wealth Than Entire Middle Class (Struggling Households At 46%)

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by confoundedinterest17

Now you know why Joe Biden has fund raisers in Hollywood and New York where the elites (the top 1%) live. Biden is the President of The Elites, not the middle class.

How bad it is? The top 1% now have more household wealth than the entire middle class. Note that the recent surge occurred under Trump, but Biden is doing nothing about it.

See also  National Debt will be $47 Trillion. $12 Trillion higher in just 4 years!!!

Further evidence? 46% of households are struggling.

In terms of housing prices, home prices are growing FASTER than average hourly earnings. Again!

See also  US Pension funds face dire straits, trapped in underwater investments and risky ventures, struggling to meet obligations.

Politicians. You can’t trust ANY of them with our money. Or a cookout.

Here is New Yprk Senator Chuck Schumer posing as a middle class American cooking gray hamburgers at super low heat with cheese on top of raw meat. What a fraud!

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