Canada goes further down “The Woke Rabbit Hole”

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I am starting to be ashamed of being Canadian. This is insanity. I would normally place my name but with the thought police out in force one has to be careful.

Court to decide if Ontario must pay for surgery to make vagina if patient also want to keep penis
“A non-binary Ontario resident is locked in a legal battle over public funding for surgery to create a vagina while leaving the penis intact

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In a lengthy legal battle that could lead to more requests for individually customized and unorthodox gender-affirming surgeries, an Ontario resident is seeking publicly funded surgery to construct a vagina while preserving the penis.

The case, now before the courts, reflects a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither exclusively female nor exclusively male.

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To critics, the procedures are risky experiments that illustrate “how far off the rails” gender-affirming medicine has gone and the excesses of “consumer-driven gender embodiment.”

“Our public health-care system is at the breaking point and really needs to focus on procedures that are medically necessary,” Pamela Buffone, founder of the parents’ group Canadian Gender Report, said in an email to the National Post.”