Bye Bye Ukraine: Russia Deploys 48 Iskander Missile Launchers on Border

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Vladimir Putin inspected the modernized “White Swans” at the Kazan enterprise of Rostec

During his visit to the Kazan Aviation Plant named after S.P. Gorbunov, the President got acquainted with four modernized Tu-160M strategic missile carriers and sat in the cockpit of one of them.

Rostec enterprises, including those included in the UAC , have carried out titanic work to resume production of these aircraft.

“The resumption of production of the Tu-160 strategic missile carriers became a real challenge for the entire cooperation of Rostec enterprises – in a short time, design documentation was completely digitized, the technology of vacuum welding of titanium products was restored, and the production of aircraft airframe units was resumed. Today we can confidently say that we have successfully overcome this challenge. The modernized Tu-160M aircraft retains its appearance, but is created on a completely new technological basis using digital solutions. Currently, this is one of the most powerful combat aircraft in the world,” commented Sergei Chemezov , General Director of the Rostec State Corporation.

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