Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee Deemed Illegitimate in House Resolution

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Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee deemed “ILLEGITIMATE” in new House resolution..


If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

via thepostmillennial:

GOP Rep. Eric Burlison, Thomas Massie, and others in the House GOP have co-sponsored a resolution to rescind subpoenas from the J6 committee that were brought against Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, and Peter Navarro. This would also immediately remove the contempt of Congress convictions, as if there were no subpoenas, there would be no contempt. Bannon is required to report to prison to begin his 4-month sentence on July 1.

The document has many reasons behind the move to rescind the subpoenas, saying that it was a “solely partisan exercise determined to vilify President Trump and his advisors for the January 6th breach of the U.S. Capitol.” The only two Republicans who were seated on the committee were Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, neither of whom had the support of the GOP at large. Nancy Pelosi would not seat those requested to be on the committee by then-House Speaker McCarthy. Other reasons included that the committee report was flawed and “operated without a ranking minority leader” as is customary on congressional committees.

The resolution concludes, “There therefore, be it resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol was illegitimate, that the conclusions and findings presented were predetermined due to the committee’s partisan nature, and that the courts should set aside any convictions or commute any sentences stemming from contempt reports issued by the Select Committee.”

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h/t Jazzy

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