Zelenskyy on negotiations with Russia: Ukraine to prepare peace plan by end of year

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Besides being strong on the battlefield, Ukraine also needs to develop a clear peace plan. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated during a briefing with his Slovenian counterpart, Nataša Pirc Musar, that the plan should be ready by the end of this year.

As the president noted, after the peace summit, Kyiv is working on three detailed plans concerning energy, food security, and exchange. Plans for these areas will be prepared soon. Specifically, a comprehensive plan will also be developed for other points of Ukraine’s peace formula, which will later be presented to partners.

“For us, it is very important to show a plan to end the war that will be supported by the majority of the world. This is a diplomatic path we are working on. Besides this, as I said, not everything depends on us,” he added.

According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine is increasing the production of technologies, drones, artillery, and electronic warfare systems to strengthen its position on the battlefield. The country must be stronger because the Russian Federation understands nothing but force and respects no one except the strong.

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