Yahoo News: “Two of the biggest names in Silicon Valley are reportedly planning to throw cash behind Donald Trump’s presidential campaign

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Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz have reportedly told employees they’re going to donate to Trump PACs

are reportedly planning donations to groups supporting Trump.

  • They told workers at their VC firm, Andreessen Horowitz, about the plans, The Information reported.
  • It’s the latest example of big names in Silicon Valley lending support to Trump’s election bid.
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Two of the biggest names in Silicon Valley are reportedly planning to throw cash behind groups supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, who founded the venture-capital firm that bears both of their names, are preparing donations to political action committees, or PACs, that support Trump’s latest bid for the White House, The Information reported on Tuesday.

The pair have shared their plans with employees at the firm, the report said. It would mark the first time that both men have expressed support for Trump.

The exact PACs that Andreessen and Horowitz plan to support and the exact amounts they plan to donate were unclear. Andreessen Horowitz did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider on the report.


h/t dr0id

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