Yahoo! News: “‘Bloodbath’ at French village fete as youths from deprived suburb kill 16-year-old”

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A rural village in southern France is in shock after a group of young delinquents from a deprived suburb attacked a village fete and killed a 16-year-old boy.

The village of Crépol in Drôme was holding its “fete de village”, an annual or biannual celebration, on Saturday night with around 450 of the 500 residents attending.

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As the fete began winding down at 2am, a group of youths arrived, some carrying knives. When a security guard barred their entry, they attacked him, slicing through his fingers.

One witness told Le Parisien: “There was a fight between the assailants and those who were brave enough to face them.”

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“It was a bloodbath,” said another. “Youths from the suburbs surrounded the party hall, blindly stabbing people … One youth received a heart massage on the floor. It was chaos.”

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