Wind power set to become UK’s main source of electricity this year.

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Over the last few years the UK’s investment in gigantic offshore wind turbines, each the height of a skyscraper, has transformed electricity production displacing expensive fossil fuels. Last year wind power accounted for 29.2% of electricity production and the main source of electric power, from natural gas, produced 31.4%. Taken together fossil fuels, gas and coal, proved less than a third of electricity at 32.3 %.

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With continuing installation of new giant turbines in the North Sea, 2024 should be the year wind power takes number 1 spot for electricity production in the UK.

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A short video about the immense Dogger Bank windfarm project, built up to a hundred miles offshore in the stormy North Sea.

Three years ago the world’s biggest offshore windfarm was the Hornsea 1 windfarm. This short video gives some idea of what it is like living and working many miles offshore in the North Sea.


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